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Sex assault case against former teacher at Boulder's Shambhala moves to district court - Daily C

William Karelis enters the courtroom at the Boulder County jail on Feb 1, 2019

The case against William Karelis has proceeded to district court as a result of a Boulder County judge's ruling. He is set for arraignment on June 14, where he will be able to take a plea deal or proceed to trial.

The defense attorney tried to call into question inconsistencies in the witness statement, however the judge ruled that issues of credibility or inconsistent statements were a matter for trial.

Quoting from the article, the Boulder Deputy District Attorney Megan Bradford noted it is not unusual for there to be some inconsistencies in a case this old with a young victim," and said "Inconsistencies do not mean a lack of probably cause and do not mean incredibility," and also mentioned that Colorado law requires evidence in preliminary hearings be viewed "in the light most favorable to the people."

The article can be read in full here:

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