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Response to Kusung Letter - Shambhala Interim Board
The Interim Board of Shambhala posted a reply to the letter from ex Kusungs. It can be found in full here: https://us10.campaign-archive...

Open letter in regards to allegations against Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche of Shambhala International - E
We have received a letter from a group of ex-Kusungs outlining some of their experiences with abuse inside the court and the greater...

How to let anger out? - Thich Nhat Hanh
This is a wonderful teaching provided by Thich Nhat Hanh on recognizing the value of anger and how to transform it from many of its...

Beyond the Temple - What now Rigpa?
Beyond the Temple, previously the What Now? blog, discusses in this post how they are seeking to move forward with their spiritual lives...

Buddhist Project Sunshine Complete - Farewell from Andrea
Andrea Winn, the founder of Buddhist Project Sunshine, offers some final thoughts and reflections, after wrapping up two years of arduous...

The Dalai Lama's Clarion Call - Tibetan Review
The Tibetan Review discusses a recent petition presented in person by survivors to the Dalai Lama regarding abuses in Tibetan Buddhist...

Regarding Teacher Misconduct in American Zen
Eido Mary Frances Carney, pictured above, has written a well-thought out and perceptive article discussing the history of the Soto Zen...

Reflections on the Wickwire Holms Report - A Message from Carol Merchasin
We received this heartfelt letter from Carol Merchasin today, who asked that we share her words with the community in light of the...

Shambhala Centers Still Holding “Sealed” Retreats to Venerate a Leader Under Criminal Investigation
Matthew Remski posted this article earlier in January where he calls into question the ethics of continuing status quo in light of the...

Former teacher at Boulder's Shambhala accused of sexually assaulting student
William Karelis enters the courtroom at the Boulder County Jail on Friday (Paul Aiken / Staff Photographer - Daily Camera) Community...
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